
Lucy Rutten

Janssen Vaccines & Prevention

Lucy Rutten studied Biomedical Sciences in Leiden. Her major subject was Protein Crystallography. She acquired her PhD and carried out a Veni project at Crystal and Structural Chemistry in Utrecht (from 1997-2007), characterizing several bacterial outer membrane proteins. Subsequently she worked at Structural Neurobiology (KU Leuven), Belgium and for Crossbeta Biosciences in Utrecht, both for a year. She then made a sidestep to select antibodies against HIV using phage display at Biomolecular Imaging (Utrecht University) and QVQ. August 2014, she started working in Leiden for Janssen Vaccines & Prevention, part of Johnson & Johnson where she is leading the HIV-team designing a structure-based vaccine against HIV, which is currently on hold, because she and her team are now fully dedicated to the development of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.
