Markus Blümel works in Biologics Analytical Development at Novartis Pharma in Basel, Switzerland. In his role, he provides scientific leadership and oversees cross-functional analytical processes for Biologics, such as reference standards, specification setting, stability testing, comparability assessments and the support of in-use stability and compatibility studies.
Markus is a chemist by training holding a PhD from the University of Frankfurt, Germany, for a work on protein structure derived from biomolecular NMR. During a PostDoc he developed Capillary Electrophoresis methods for peptides.
For over 15 years Markus is engaged as CASSS Associate Director and supports the scientific programs as co-chair for workshops and the CMC Strategy Forum. Within the IQ consortium, Markus is co-chairing working groups on specification setting, comparability assessments, and physicochemical in-use stability testing.