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Characterization of IgG1 Low Molecular Weight Variants by Correlating RPLC-MS with a CE-SDS Migration Time Shift Assay
Nicole Langlois, Northeastern University
Investigation of a Polypeptide-Cyclodextrin Interaction in Biologic Formulation Development and Assessment of its Binding Affinity Using Mobility Shift Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis
Wenkui Lan, Bristol Myers Squibb
We All Have Baggage: A Deep Dive into the Characterization of a Complex cIEF Electropherogram from an Antibody-drug Conjugate using a Novel Integrated icIEF-UV/MS System
The following vendor partners will each present a 5-minute presentation on their company's products and services. Join to learn more about our exhibitors and how they can help better serve you and your customers…