This product is only available to members of the following groups:
CE-MS and Product Characterization
Session Speakers:
Characterization of IgG1 Low Molecular Weight Variants by Correlating RPLC-MS with a CE-SDS Migration Time Shift Assay
Nicole Langlois, Northeastern University
Investigation of a Polypeptide-Cyclodextrin Interaction in Biologic Formulation Development and Assessment of its Binding Affinity Using Mobility Shift Affinity Capillary Electrophoresis
Wenkui Lan, Bristol Myers Squibb
We All Have Baggage: A Deep Dive into the Characterization of a Complex cIEF Electropherogram from an Antibody-drug Conjugate using a Novel Integrated icIEF-UV/MS System
Kristin Schultz-Kuszak, AstraZeneca
Discussion 11:45 - 12:00
The following vendor partners will each present a 5-minute presentation on their company's products and services. Join to learn more about our exhibitors and how they can help better serve you and your customers.
SCIEX: Greg Manley, SCIEX
Revvity: Menel Ben Frej, Revvity
Technical Seminar Presented by SCIEX: 12:25 - 13:25
An Intact Protein MAM Workflow for Comprehensive Characterization of Charge Variants using the Intabio ZT System
Scott Mack, SCIEX
Comprehensive Characterization of the mRNA-lipid Nanoparticle by LC-MS and Multi-capillary Electrophoresis
Jane Luo, SCIEX
Networking Break 13:25 - 13:45
The following vendor partners will each present a 5-minute presentation on their company's products and services. Join to learn more about our exhibitors and how they can help better serve you and your customers.
Bio-Techne: Ed Chase, Bio-Techne
AES: Tony Chen, Advanced Electrophoresis Solutions Ltd.
The following vendor partners will each present a 5-minute presentation on their company's products and services. Join to learn more about our exhibitors and how they can help better serve you and your customers.
CMP Scientific: James Xia, CMP Scientific
Genovis: Laurent Rieux, Genovis, Inc.
Session Speakers:
An Assessment of a Prototype Buffer Matrix on the PA 800 Plus System for Purity and Fragment Analysis
Vaidehi Bhagat, AstraZeneca
Dual Dynamic Staining Electrophoretic Detection and Characterization of dsRNA Contaminants in mRNA Vaccines
Adriana Coll de Peña, Brown University
Development of Capillary Electrophoresis Methods for the Analysis of Cellular Metabolites for Life Detection on Ocean Worlds
Emily Kurfman, University of Kansas
Robots in Pharmaceutical Quality Control: A Comparative Study of Automated Liquid Handlers in Terms of Precision, and Usability
Rebecca Wiesner, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Discussion: 17:10 - 17:30
Session Speakers:
Using Digestion by IdeS Protease to Improve Quantification of Degradants in Monoclonal Antibodies by Non-Reducing Capillary Gel Electrophoresis
Andrew McClain, BMS
Characterization of Proteins Using Native and SDS Capillary Gel Electrophoresis Online Coupled to Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Gábor Járvás, University of Pannoia
Rapid and High Throughput CE Assays of Enzyme Activity
Lisa Holland, West Virginia University
Discussion: 15:30 - 15:45