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The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has challenged conventional paradigms to traditional vaccine development, manufacturing, approval, and supply. A vision for all the elements necessary to a successful global immunization program is essential, including considerations of the variety of vaccines platforms, such as virus-like particles, subunit protein-based antigens, novel nucleic acid and vector-based vaccines, as well as vaccines control strategies necessary to ensure continued supply of safe and effective product.
At the root of the development activities for each class of vaccine is scientifically sound characterization of the vaccine, including vaccine components, such as lipid nanoparticles and adjuvants. Adherence to principles associated with Quality by Design are important in an accelerated vaccine development program, to guide process and analytical development studies. These are grounded in product specifications and further supported by a risk-based life cycle change management program.
This session will focus on the work performed by several vaccine manufacturers to optimize their vaccine candidates and develop commercial control strategies to facilitate the worldwide delivery of sufficient safe and effective vaccines, which hold the promise of stemming the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Audience interaction with these industry leaders will be supplemented with a panel discussion that includes global regulators, who are currently evaluating these vaccines and hold special interests in vaccine control strategies.
Along with technical questions from participants, some topics that might expand the discussion towards industry and regulatory coordination will include:
• Given the immediate need for a safe and effective vaccine, what do companies and regulators perceive as the greatest technical hurdles to rapid development and adequate control of a vaccine? • What are the special considerations, if any, associated with the development of a vaccine targeted towards a pandemic pathogen? • The interactions between companies and regulators, among regulators, and among companies might differ for a pandemic development program versus a routine vaccine development program. What technical expectations and practices, if any, should be different to help progress a pandemic vaccine towards successful introduction to populations in need?
Both the EMA and FDA recognize the vital importance of the Higher Order Structure (HOS) of a protein. It is specifically called out in their guidances and it is their expectation that the latest technology be applied to understand it…
A look at modern 21st-century forces - war, political collapse, climate change, urbanization, anti-science, leading to a return of neglected and vaccine-preventable diseases. My lecture will address my time as US Science Envoy in the White House and US State Department…