
Victor Beaumont

Pfizer, Inc.

Victor completed his BS in Chemistry at the SUNY University at Buffalo under the advisement of Dr. Thomas Szyperski. There he focused on NMR methods development for large biomolecules and complexes. Victor then joined Dr. Patrick Loria's group at Yale University to pursue his Ph.D. in chemistry. His thesis focused on characterizing the correlation between molecular dynamics and protein activity of protein tyrosine phosphatases through allosteric mechanisms using NMR and other biophysical techniques. Victor is currently a senior scientist in NMR characterization of biotherapeutics in the Biotherapeutics Pharmaceutical Sciences (BTxPS) analytical research and development department at Pfizer in Groton, CT. His research covers structure elucidation of polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines, proteins and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). His presentation at the CASSS HOS 2022 conference focuses on his recent developments in and applications of NMR chemometric analysis for HOS characterization of mAbs.
