Patrick Hussmann

My name is Patrick Hussmann, and I am currently an Associate Director at AstraZeneca within the department of Process and Analytical Sciences; Bioassay, Biosafety, and Impurities group. I received a B.S. in Biochemistry from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana in 2008. Following my undergraduate studies, I entered a doctoral program in Pharmacology at Georgetown University, where I studied the biological mechanisms of nicotine addiction. After graduating from Georgetown in 2012, and then obtained a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in the department of Neuroscience, where I investigated the role of gasotransmitters and light in the dilation of blood vessels. In 2013, I accepted a position as a Health Program Specialist at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. There, I evaluated and managed extramural grant applications related to neurovirology, stroke, and the blood brain barrier. In 2015, I entered into the pharmaceutical industry as a scientist at AstraZeneca (formerly MedImmune), where my career has grown from independent contributor to a team leader within bioassay development.
