Ian Rees

Ian joined the MHRA as a GMP inspector in 2001, before this he was an inspector with the Veterinary Medicines Directorate and before that worked for a start up biopharmaceutical firm during which time it was authorised by US FDA and MHRA. In 2004, Ian became a manager responsible for the London based team of GMP inspectors, he was promoted to Expert GMP Inspector in 2006 and Unit Manager Inspectorate Strategy and Innovation in 2014 managing a team of Expert Inspectors. Between 2008 and 2015, Ian was MHRA’s representative on the EMA’s GMDP Inspectors Working Group. Ian was also one of the MHRA’s representative at EU Blood Authority Meetings. Ian was part of the MHRA’s Innovation Office team and UK cross regulatory ‘One Stop Shop’ providing regulatory advice and guidance to organisations developing innovative processes or novel manufacturing processes. Ian led MHRA’s work in developing the new regulatory framework for distributed and point of care manufacture until he retired from MHRA in March 2023.
