Evangelos Kotzagiorgis

Evangelos is a Qualified Pharmacist and has got an MSc on Pharmaceutical Analysis and Quality Control from the University of Athens, Greece. He has joined the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in 2005. Currently he works as Quality Senior Specialist in the Pharmaceutical Quality Office providing scientific support in the evaluation of new chemical and biological products, life cycle, and in Scientific Advice requests. Evangelos is member of the EMA Quality Working Party Secretariat. He is involved in the development of EMA scientific guidelines and other regulatory documents. He has been involved in the implementation of several regulatory initiatives e.g. ICMRA collaborative assessment, WHO for regulatory reliance and cooperation with African regulators. He has previously worked in the industry as Head Officer of Patent Information and Clinical Studies and in the R&D department of Pharmathen Pharmaceuticals SA and gained experience in pharmaceutical development, manufacturing and quality control.
