Dean Smith

Dean Smith is the A/Manager for the COVID Clinical Division, and an Advisor in the Centre for Vaccines, Clinical Trials & Biostatistics at Health Canada in Ottawa. Dr. Smith has over 25 years of experience in regulatory science in support of innovation in vaccine development, manufacturing, quality control, in addition to Clinical review support during the COVID 19 pandemic. He has a wide range of biologics-based scientific and regulatory experience from his Senior Scientific Evaluator and management roles in Bacterial and Viral Vaccines, as well Hemostatic Agents and Blood Substitutes Divisions. Representing Health Canada, Dr. Smith contributes to WHO’s vaccine and vaccine stability guidance development initiatives. He is Health Canada’s representative to the European Directorate of Quality of Medicines (EDQM), Group 15 (Vaccines), with the European Pharmacopeia. Dr. Smith also served on the Science and Ethics Advisory Committee for VAC2VAC under the European Vaccines Initiative, and as the Heath Canada representative on the WHO/CEPI Regulatory Advisory Group during the pandemic. Prior to joining Health Canada, Dr. Smith was a Research Associate in the Vaccine Design Group at the Nation Research Council of Canada in Ottawa. Dr. Smith's Ph.D. in Immunology is from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, where his research dealt with vaccine antigen discovery, autoimmunity and viral vector-based gene therapy.
