Zoe Zhang

Zoe Zhang is the Sr Manager of Strategical Marketing, Protein Therapeutics and Pharma at SCIEX. Zoe joined SCIEX in 2017 and is currently leading the protein therapeutics and pharma group. She is leading her team, playing a pivotal role in driving collaboration with key customers and fostering strong relationships that lay the foundation for groundbreaking advancements. Beyond the close customer engagement, her team actively supports the development of novel workflows, ensuring that the team stays at the forefront of cutting-edge methodologies. Further, her team also involves in next-generation instrumentation and software development. Overall, her team performs in-depth mass-spec and capillary electrophoresis characterization and quantitation across diverse modalities and next-generation therapies. Prior to joining SCIEX, Zoe distinguished herself as a lead scientist in LCMS protein characterization at Charles River Laboratory, working on comprehensive protein therapeutics analysis relevant to pharmaceutical processing.


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