Qian Dong has been working at NIST as a computer scientist since 2000. Her areas of specialty include bioinformatics in MS-based protein structure analysis and chemoinformatics in thermodynamics research. Her past projects at NIST included the development and maintenance of several NIST databases and web-based information software products for chemical research and industrial process design. She joined the NIST Mass Spectrometry Data Center in 2006. Since then, her research interests have involved the development of advanced data analysis methods with particular emphasis on detecting and characterizing modifications in proteins. More recently, she has focused on creating, developing and applying the reference mass spectral libraries for individual standard proteins as well as biological monoclonal antibody drugs (http://peptide.nist.gov). This has involved large-scale acquisition of reference quality tandem mass spectra and the development of novel algorithms and methods for identification and characterization of low abundance peptides and posttranslational modifications. The two high-resolution reference mass spectral libraries were designed for the comprehensive characterization of the Human Serum Albumin and the NIST standard monoclonal antibody (NISTmAb), respectively. They were published and released to public for free in 2014 and 2018. Ms. Dong has numerous peer-reviewed publications in the fields of bioinformatics, proteomics, and thermodynamics, and is an active member of ASMS and the Antibody Society.